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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Assigment 3 - Graphic Design / Poster Book Cover

For this assignment, students needs to create an A3 digital poster or book cover to explain one concept in teaching and learning. You can choose any topic and target user for this assignment.

Assigment 2 -Image Manipulation Using Adobe Photoshop

Assignment 2 ‐ Image Manipulation (Individual Project)
"For this assignment, every student has to prepare six digital images with different image manipulation techniques using graphic manipulation sofware, which is Adobe Photoshop. This assignment needs to be uploaded in your learning porfolio, which is your blog. A copy of the files in .psd format needs to be submitted also to the instructor using a CD‐ROM. The original images also has to be display side‐by‐side with the manipulated images. Explain also the image manipulation techniques that have been used to manipulate every image."

Image manipulation 1


 Image manipulation 2


 Image manipulation 3


 Image manipulation 4

 Image manipulation 5



 Image manipulation 6
